Adding blog comments to your static site with utterances
The web world is full of tradeoffs. As I wrote in my post about moving away from WordPress, going from a CMS to a static site keeps things simple. That simplicity, however, comes with costs—one of which is the ability to have comments on blog posts.
I had to throw away all the existing comments on my blog when I moved away from WordPress. (Not that there were a lot; most of them were from ages ago, and on my Pantone post, which somehow retains considerable SEO juice.) Due to the nature of static sites generally not having a database or a server to process data, there are few good, simple ways to allow user comments.
There are plenty of options out there to solve this problem, of varying degrees of simplicity. But I’ve recently settled on a nifty little GitHub-based library called utterances.
What is utterances, and what does it do?
Have you ever been on a website and found a Facebook-powered comments section, which allowed you to add your own comments to the content using your own Facebook login?
If so, you’ve got the idea. Utterances is that, just with GitHub instead of Facebook.
The utterances documentation and demo covers the topic pretty well. (In fact, it’s more concise than this post.) But to summarize: utterances is a tiny script that runs on the page to display a comments form, along with any comments that have been made on the page already. Behind the scenes, this is all powered by GitHub—and specifically, by GitHub issues.
When a user creates a new comment (which, it should be noted, they must be logged into GitHub to do), if there are no comments yet, utterances will create a new GitHub issue for the current page, and the user’s comment becomes the first comment on that issue. Any new comments will appear as further comments on the same issue—so that you (eventually/ideally) have one “issue” per route.
Whenever your page loads, utterance will go fetch the issue matching the current route, and plop all the comments from that issue onto the page, in sequential order.
You don’t really need to know anything about GitHub issues, or even that GitHub issues is the engine under the hood. (After all, these comments aren’t really issues at all; they’re just a convenient way to store data associated with your repo and in the same place as your code.)
All you need to know is: utterances adds GitHub-powered comments to your site, simply and easily.
How to set up utterances
Again, the utterances site covers this nicely, so I’ll just hit the high notes here:
Make sure your site’s GitHub repo is public, not private. If your issues aren’t public (whose aren’t? haha), they can’t be pulled onto the page by utterances.
Be sure to enable the utterances app in GitHub. This is the part that gives utterances permission to create new issues. You have the choice of whether to enable it for all of your repos, or to pick and choose.
Note that you may also need to be sure that issues are enabled in the repo’s settings, particularly if the repo in question is a fork of another one. That option can be found on the first page in the repo’s “Settings” tab, near the top.
Finally, add the utterances script snippet to your site. We’ll dig into this a bit more next, since—while not too complex—it’s the area that gave me the most trouble.
Adding utterances to the page
The last step of the process is to add a small script (which, you may be happy to know, includes no tracking) wherever your comments form should appear. That script will look a little something like this:
Some of those attributes are familiar, standard HTML attributes; others are specialized and used only by utterances when it loads. The theme
option controls the appearance of the form (there are several options), and the issue-term
controls how any new issues will be named in your repo (there are also several options here, though I’ve described the default).
There are other custom attributes available, too, such as a label
attribute to auto-add an existing label to utterances-created issues. (This is helpful as a sorting mechanism, so that you can distinguish “real” issues from comments issues.) Once more, be sure to have a look at the utterances site for full details.
But in any case, the idea is: you’ll state your preferred options inline as part of a script tag, and then drop that script into the HTML wherever you want your comments to appear. When the script loads, it’ll parse your preferences from the HTML and make the magic happen.
This is simple enough when actually working with straight HTML, but it poses a small challenge in SvelteKit (and likely in some other frameworks, too), where <script>
tags have special meaning. Most frameworks have rules about where you can just sling script
tags. In fact, the Svelte compiler will yell at you for it.
The workaround is a little verbose, but simple enough; the more Svelte-y way of handling it (and in fact, utterances itself) was brought to my attention via this tweet from @sarah11918:
Spent my morning with @jjcollinsworth 's and WHAT a treat! (Appreciated React comps approach.)
— Sarah Rainsberger (@sarah11918) November 5, 2021
It's the perfect pairing for trying out @james_r_perkins 's instructions for adding comments to an @astrodotbuild blog using @sveltejs!
(Fun how a tweet about a post comes full circle and becomes a new post, eh?)
Credit to James Perkins for that approach from his blog, in which he uses the onMount
hook to create a script, set its properties, and inject it just before a target <div>
, all inside of a Svelte <Comments />
component. This allows the Svelte component itself to be placed anywhere you’d like the comments form to show up.
I followed the spirit of his example closely, but changed it in a few ways. Here’s my finished comments component (slightly simplified to remove some code irrelevant to this post):
<!-- Comments.svelte -->
import { onMount } from 'svelte'
import { prefersDarkMode } from '$lib/data/store'
// Translate the user's dark mode preference to a theme
const siteTheme = $prefersDarkMode ? 'github-dark' : 'github-light'
// An object with all the utterances options I want
const options = {
src: '',
repo: 'josh-collinsworth/joco-sveltekit',
label: 'comments',
crossorigin: 'anonymous',
theme: siteTheme,
async: '',
'issue-term': 'pathname',
onMount(() => {
const utteranceScript = document.createElement('script')
const targetTag = document.getElementById('utterances-comments')
// Loop over the options & apply each property as an attribute
for (const prop in options) {
utteranceScript.setAttribute(prop, options[prop])
<div id="utterances-comments" />
The main differences are:
I prefer to abstract the script attributes to an
object (and also, prefer descriptive variable names). While this makes the code longer, I feel it also makes it more readable (or at least, less repetitive);Since my site has two themes, I dynamically set the GitHub theme based on the user’s site-level preference. (This site does detect and respect the user’s dark mode preference by default, but also allows them to override it, just in case they like the opposite version here. So OS preference may or may not be site preference); and
Finally, I put the script itself inside the target
, rather than before it. This is mostly just to avoid having an empty div lying around, but it could also potentially help with styling. (The comments form itself is in aniframe
, so you can’t style it directly regardless, but at least this way you can have control over the wrappingdiv
To restate/emphasize, since I’m talking about somebody else’s code here: this is all just personal preference. Both versions have advantages, and either is perfectly fine.
Pros and cons
I found utterances to be a good fit for me and my site personally, but there are reasons you may or may not come to the same conclusion.
Utterances benefits
I’ve already mentioned how simple utterances is, and how easy it is to set up. Beyond that, utterances is also free, open-source, and ad-free—all of which are great.
Also, because it uses GitHub as the comments engine under the hood, you can do all the same things you can with GitHub comments, like use Markdown; preview your comment before posting; and add reactions to other people’s comments.
Finally: utterances is a perfect fit for static sites, because it doesn’t require a rebuild to display new content; adding and retrieving comments is all handled client-side.
Utterances tradeoffs
It’s hard to complain about such a simple and effective solution, but as with all things, this approach comes with tradeoffs.
Most obviously, there is some vendor lock-in. I don’t mind this too much personally, but if you feel this might not be your ideal long-term comments solution, it’s something to keep in mind.
Another item worth mentioning: since this is all powered by GitHub comments under the hood, a user needs a GitHub login in order to comment. I decided that’s fine in my case, since this blog is increasingly development-focused, but your needs and audience may vary. This probably wouldn’t be a good approach for a non-technical audience.
Also, there’s no commenting on other comments or threading comments, at least not for now—though as mentioned before, there are at least reaction emoji available. But again, this is open-source, so it’s possible we could see that change.
Finally, I suppose you could consider it a drawback that your comments management moves to GitHub. Personally, I like that my comments are now hosted in the same place as the code itself, but I can see where going into GitHub to manage content could be undesirable in some cases. At the very least, it means you have less control over approving and moderating comments that you might with, say, WordPress. (That said, however: GitHub almost certainly has much better control over spam issues and comments than I’d ever be able to devise.) Also, while I haven’t spent much time looking, I’d bet there are VS Code extensions to help you manage issues right in your editor.
As you’ve seen, I’ll be using utterances on this site for at least the time being. I like the idea of having comments here rather than trying to direct users to a contact form. If you also like the idea or found this post useful, consider trying it out yourself. (Or, you know…leave a comment.) 😉